Display visitor IP address without any WordPress plugin - Display visitor IP address without any plugin

Display visitor IP address without any plugin

Here is how you can create a WordPress plugin with a shortcode to display the user’s IP address: <?php /* * Plugin Name: IP * Plugin URI: https://wpxss.com/application/ip * Description: Provides a shortcode to display the user’s IP address. * Version: 1.0 * Author: Stefan Pejcic * Author URI: https://pejcic.rs */ function ip_shortcode( $atts ) … Read full article →

wpcli export specific tables wordpress - Dumping specific tables using mysqldump or WP-CLI

Dumping specific tables using mysqldump or WP-CLI

For high-traffic websites, I advise developing a stagging website if you make significant updates or even switch the WordPress theme entirely. But one significant problem I encountered while moving from the staging site to the live one is that all database tables are updated, which could result in financial loss if the website receives multiple … Read full article →

phpinfo WordPress Shortcode - phpinfo() WordPress Shortcode

phpinfo() WordPress Shortcode

Here is an example of a simple WordPress plugin that uses the [phpinfo] shortcode to display PHP information similar to what the phpinfo() function does: <?php /* Plugin Name: PHP Info Shortcode Description: Displays PHP information using the [phpinfo] shortcode. */ function phpinfo_shortcode_handler( $atts ) { // Build the HTML for the data $html = … Read full article →

WordPress Locale Usage Statistics UPDATED - WordPress Locale Usage Statistics UPDATED

WordPress Locale Usage Statistics UPDATED

A locale is the translation language code used in WordPress that usually consists of a combination of language code and country code, combined with an underscore, for example en_AU or en_GB. Here is a complete and UPDATED List of All WordPress Language Locales 🏳️‍🌈 This page displays the market share (in %) for each locale (Language code) that WordPress websites are … Read full article →

installatron wp - How To Install WordPress Using cPanel and Installatron

How To Install WordPress Using cPanel and Installatron

Installatron allows you to easily with a few clicks install any application in your hosting account, and the installation process is the same for many applications. To install WordPress, follow these steps: Step 1. In the “Software” section of the cPanel, click the Installatron icon. Step 2. Click on the “Application Browser” > WordPress Step … Read full article →

wpcli password reset - Reset WordPress user password using WP-CLI

Reset WordPress user password using WP-CLI

In this guide We’ll cover how to reset a WordPress user password using WP-CLI. Step 1. Ensure WP-CLI is installed and you are in the website directory run the following command to check if you are in the right folder: Step 2. List all users and note user_login for the user Step 3. Replace the … Read full article →