top 5 woocommerce zoom product image plugins - Top 5 WooCommerce product image zoom plugins 🔎🖼️

Top 5 WooCommerce product image zoom plugins 🔎🖼️

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce product image zoom plugin? Are you considering adding zoom options to your e-commerce products? Here are some of the best WooCommerce product image zoom plugins available on the market. Why you should use product image zoom plugin for your WooCommerce store? YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom The YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image … Read full article →

prevent xss - ⚠️ What is Cross-site scripting (XSS) and How to prevent WordPress XSS attacks

⚠️ What is Cross-site scripting (XSS) and How to prevent WordPress XSS attacks

The most regularly seen attack type is script injection (XSS attack), rogue scripts are injected into the webpage for malicious purposes. This includes redirects to third-party websites, collecting user data, downloading malware to visitors, etc. WordPress has a bunch of useful developer functions that are used to sanitize data (Validating Sanitizing and Escaping User Data) … Read full article →

Reset WordPress password from the command line - Reset WordPress password from the command line

Reset WordPress password from the command line

1. log in to the MySQL: mysql -u root -p; 2. Select the database: use database_name; 3. List all users: select * from wp_users\G 4. Change the password for the user you require: UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass=MD5(‘new_password_here’) where ID=user_id_here;



In short: WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is the default limit set for the front end, but it can be raised up to WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in wp-admin pages. WP_MEMORY_LIMIT WP_MEMORY_LIMIT allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be consumed by PHP. This setting may be necessary in the event you receive a message such as “Allowed memory size of X … Read full article →

wpcli w3tc - Purge cache from W3 Total Cache plugin using WP-CLI

Purge cache from W3 Total Cache plugin using WP-CLI

Here are some useful commands to clear cache from the terminal with wpcli: cdn_purge purge URLs from CDN and Varnish flush all flushes all cache related to W3TC (Page Cache, OC, DB Cache, Minify, etc.) flush page flushes pages cache only flush posts flushes both pages & posts cache flush database flushes DB cache flush … Read full article →

is home vs is front page - is_home() vs is_front_page()

is_home() vs is_front_page()

is_home() and is_front_page() are both conditional tags in WordPress that can be used to check whether the currently viewed page is the site’s Home Page. However, they have slightly different meanings and use cases: What is the difference between is_home and is_front_page functions in WordPress? is_home() check if the current page is the main blog posts index (latest posts) … Read full article →

Gel4y Mini Shell by Indonesian Darknet - Gel4y Mini Shell by Indonesian Darknet 🕵️

Gel4y Mini Shell by Indonesian Darknet 🕵️

Recently encountered a version of Gel4y Mini Shell that is not detectable by Imunify360 yet! Gel4y Mini Shell is a small PHP shell that has two notable features: 🔴 Compared to other PHP shells such as IDBTE4M BOT V87 Gel4y Mini Shell by Indonesian Darknet offers a lot fewer features: Source code: UPDATE: Imunify360 now … Read full article →

max connections - ⚠️ User already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [✅ SOLVED]

⚠️ User already has more than ‘max_user_connections’ active connections [✅ SOLVED]

Noticed a lot of Crawler errors on the Google Adsense console: So I enabled the WP_DEBUG and run a stress test with vegeta on the website: the website became unavailable and the following error was shown: User already has more than ‘max_user_connections’ active connections This explains the errors in Google SC because the crawler most … Read full article →

Display all Active WordPress plugins - Display all Active WordPress plugins

Display all Active WordPress plugins

Here is a simple WordPress plugin that will create a [activeplugin] shortcode: Add it as plugin and activate, then add shortcode [activeplugins] anywhere on your website and it will display all active plugins: