List of BEST Blogs for WordPress Developers - List of BEST WordPress Developer Blogs

List of BEST WordPress Developer Blogs

As you may have guessed from this site, I ❤️ LISTS.  I pretty much have a list for anything WordPress-related: Here is another list that was once a draft page on this blog that I used to bookmark links to interesting blogs written by other WordPress enthusiasts and developers. The list is simply updated as … Read full article →

5 Easy Steps to start a WordPress blog today - 5 Easy Steps to start a WordPress blog today

5 Easy Steps to start a WordPress blog today

Welcome to the world of Blogging. 🎉🎉🎉 Blogging is a great way to express yourself, build a business, or share experiences. There are endless reasons that drive people to start blogs. No matter what your reason for beginning is, you can get your WordPress blog set up and running in five easy steps. 1. What’s … Read full article →

exclude wp - Exclude WordPress cache & backup folders  from Softaculous backup

Exclude WordPress cache & backup folders from Softaculous backup

If you are using Softaculous backups you may notice that Softaculous backups also the cache folders (wp-content/cache and wp-content/litespeed) and backups created by WordPress backup plugins (wp-content/updraft & wp-content/ai1wm-backup). This significantly increases the size of Softaculous backup files. To exclude these folders from Softaculous backups SSH into your server and navigate to the following path: Copy … Read full article →

The anatomy of great WordPress theme - The anatomy of great WordPress theme

The anatomy of great WordPress theme

There is no one WordPress theme in existence that can suit all websites. That is why there is a great variety of websites in existence in which, business owners, organizations, and bloggers can use. So, how do you go about choosing a WordPress theme that you will be certain that it will serve your business? … Read full article →

How to exclude wp admin from Cloudflare - How to exclude wp-admin from ☁️ Cloudflare

How to exclude wp-admin from ☁️ Cloudflare

First and first, I must stress that this is a bad idea and that I do not recommend it. Why? Because you’ll remove all of Cloudflare’s protection for the wp-admin dashboard. Cloudflare waits 100 seconds for an HTTP response. If the origin doesn’t respond in that time, Cloudflare closes the connection and you’ll see “Error … Read full article →

Suggestions to reduce the wp options table size - Suggestions to reduce the wp_options table size

Suggestions to reduce the wp_options table size

In this post I discussed an example where wp_options table had 900k rows of plugin-based data in it, causing the wp-admin dashboard to load slowly. As noted there, good coding practice is for each plugin to create its own database tables and use those instead of default WP tables. While the WordPress community actively improves … Read full article →



DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES is a WordPress constant that can be added to the wp-config.php file in order to avoid the upgrade functions from doing expensive queries against global tables. To enable it, simply add the following to your wp-config.php file: WordPress websites that use bbPress have large users and usermeta tables. When upgrades are running, ALTER, DELETE … Read full article →