Increase WordPress Security using the wp config php file - Increase WordPress Security using wp-config.php

Increase WordPress Security using wp-config.php

Here are some examples of security configurations that can be added to your WordPress website’s wp-config.php file: Disable file editing define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true ); This configuration will disable the built-in WordPress file editor, which can prevent users from accidentally or intentionally making changes to the core WordPress files. Change the default database table prefix $table_prefix … Read full article →

Move wp config outside the web root directory - Move wp-config.php outside the web root directory

Move wp-config.php outside the web root directory

I recently did a guide on 5 (Less known) WordPress Security Tips to keep your website safe from hackers where I suggested moving wp-config.php outside the web root directory as a simple change that adds an additional layer of security to your WordPress website. The wp-config.php file contains your MySQL database username & password, along with … Read full article →

List of all WordPress Constants UPDATED - List of all WordPress Constants (UPDATED)

List of all WordPress Constants (UPDATED) has a list that explains the default and most commonly used wp-config.php constants. But there are many more constants that are not covered in this guide and can only be found when browsing the WordPress core itself. Here I will do my best to list all WordPress constants, and keep the list up to … Read full article →



In short: WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is the default limit set for the front end, but it can be raised up to WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in wp-admin pages. WP_MEMORY_LIMIT WP_MEMORY_LIMIT allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be consumed by PHP. This setting may be necessary in the event you receive a message such as “Allowed memory size of X … Read full article →

WordPress FS METHOD explained - WordPress FS_METHOD explained

WordPress FS_METHOD explained

The constant FS_METHOD determines the filesystem method that WordPress should use for reading, writing, modifying, or deleting files. To set a different method for file editing, simply edit your wp-config.php file and add the line: The FS_METHOD forces the filesystem method and accepts the following values: Method Description direct Use Direct File I/O requests from within … Read full article →

how to change a doamin name wordpress - How to change domain name for a WordPress website  (5 ways)

How to change domain name for a WordPress website (5 ways)

Want to change the domain name for your WordPress website? No problem, in this guide We’ll walk you through 5 different methods to change the domain name for a WordPress website from cPanel PHPMyAdmin. Before following this guide make sure you’ve down the following: registered the desired domain name and pointed it towards your hosting … Read full article →

wp debug - How to enable WP_DEBUG in WordPress

How to enable WP_DEBUG in WordPress

WP_DEBUG option controls the reporting of some errors and warnings and enables use of the WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY and WP_DEBUG_LOG settings. In this quick tutorial I will show you how to enable the WP_DEBUG feature and output the results to a log file. Enable WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php Edit the wp-config.php file, find this line and change the value … Read full article →