Reset WordPress password from the command line - Reset WordPress password from the command line

Reset WordPress password from the command line

1. log in to the MySQL: mysql -u root -p; 2. Select the database: use database_name; 3. List all users: select * from wp_users\G 4. Change the password for the user you require: UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass=MD5(‘new_password_here’) where ID=user_id_here;

create a new wp admin users - 5 Easy ways to Create a WordPress Admin user

5 Easy ways to Create a WordPress Admin user

Here are five different methods to create a new WordPress Admin user. In all of the examples below I will use the following username/password combination, so make sure to change it before running any of the commands: username123 change username123 with your username password123 change password123 with your password [email protected] change [email protected] with your email … Read full article →

wpcli password reset - Reset WordPress user password using WP-CLI

Reset WordPress user password using WP-CLI

In this guide We’ll cover how to reset a WordPress user password using WP-CLI. Step 1. Ensure WP-CLI is installed and you are in the website directory run the following command to check if you are in the right folder: Step 2. List all users and note user_login for the user Step 3. Replace the … Read full article →