exclude wp - Exclude WordPress cache & backup folders  from Softaculous backup

Exclude WordPress cache & backup folders from Softaculous backup

If you are using Softaculous backups you may notice that Softaculous backups also the cache folders (wp-content/cache and wp-content/litespeed) and backups created by WordPress backup plugins (wp-content/updraft & wp-content/ai1wm-backup). This significantly increases the size of Softaculous backup files. To exclude these folders from Softaculous backups SSH into your server and navigate to the following path: Copy … Read full article →

bypass cache wordpress - How to bypass cache and always view uncached content in WordPress

How to bypass cache and always view uncached content in WordPress

In most cases, the cache can be “tricked” by adding a random variable to the URL during testing, for example https://wpxss.com/application/wp-includes/how-to-bypass-cache-and-always-view-uncached-content-in-wordpress/?a=123 In this case, a new cache page is generated and does not load cached content that already exists.

5 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress - 5 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress ⚡

5 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress ⚡

WordPress is an awesome content management system. You can install it in one click, you can find professional-looking themes for as little as a few dollars, and you can use a wide range of plugins for added functions and features. Nonetheless, WordPress websites can become sluggish sometimes, chasing impatient visitors away. This article is going … Read full article →

How to exclude wp admin from Cloudflare - How to exclude wp-admin from ☁️ Cloudflare

How to exclude wp-admin from ☁️ Cloudflare

First and first, I must stress that this is a bad idea and that I do not recommend it. Why? Because you’ll remove all of Cloudflare’s protection for the wp-admin dashboard. Cloudflare waits 100 seconds for an HTTP response. If the origin doesn’t respond in that time, Cloudflare closes the connection and you’ll see “Error … Read full article →