1 - 💡 How to use wp_delete_post to delete Posts or Pages

💡 How to use wp_delete_post to delete Posts or Pages

wp_delete_post function allows us to permanently delete posts, pages, attachments. When a post is deleted, all the associated content will also be deleted, this includes the comments, custom fields, and category entries. Instructions Parameter PARAMETER TYPE DESCRIPTION DEFAULT REQUIRED $postid intiger article ID 0 no $force_delete boolean skip recycle bin and delete permanently false no … Read full article →

Delete inactive Plugins and Themes using WPCLI - Delete inactive WordPress Plugins and Themes using WPCLI

Delete inactive WordPress Plugins and Themes using WPCLI

Deleting all inactive WordPress themes and plugins from your website is a recommended security practice. Even when deactivated, old, insecure plugins and themes might still pose a threat to the security of your WordPress website. Here are oneliners to remove inactive themes and plugins from your WordPress website using WP-CLI. List all inactive WordPress themes: Delete … Read full article →

Delete Expired WordPress Transients - Delete Expired WordPress Transients 🚮

Delete Expired WordPress Transients 🚮

WordPress uses transients to temporarily store data for its plugins and themes. By managing transients you can optimize your website for speed and make sure your website is always functioning properly. Here are a few methods how to safely delete expired WordPress transients: Delete Expired WordPress Transients using WPCLI To delete only expired transients use: … Read full article →

How to delete all comments in WordPress - How to delete all comments in WordPress? 🗑️💬

How to delete all comments in WordPress? 🗑️💬

WordPress uses the wp_commentmeta and wp_comments tables to store comments and their data. To delete all comments in WordPress simply empty those tables in the database: To delete all spam comments use: To delete all unapproved comments use: NOTE: In the above commands change wp_ prefix with the table prefix that you are using *(view … Read full article →