curl error 60 - How to fix curl error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired error ✅

How to fix curl error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired error ✅

From September 30, 2021, WordPress websites that use Let’s Encrypt certificates are having issues with HTTP API requests. For example, here is an example that will cause this error: $res = wp_remote_get( ‘’ ); if( is_wp_error( $res ) ){ echo $res->get_error_message(); } the error message: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired What causes this error? … Read full article →

How to DEBUG in WordPress - How to properly DEBUG in WordPress ✔️

How to properly DEBUG in WordPress ✔️

WordPress has many built-in functions that can help you debug. They can be activated by editing them in the wp-config.php file: 1. Enable debug mode By default Debug mode is disabled in WordPress, so you need to enable it by editing the wp-config.php file and changing the value from define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false ); to define( … Read full article →

max connections - ⚠️ User already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [✅ SOLVED]

⚠️ User already has more than ‘max_user_connections’ active connections [✅ SOLVED]

Noticed a lot of Crawler errors on the Google Adsense console: So I enabled the WP_DEBUG and run a stress test with vegeta on the website: the website became unavailable and the following error was shown: User already has more than ‘max_user_connections’ active connections This explains the errors in Google SC because the crawler most … Read full article →

Looks like somethings gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try again.

⚠️ Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try again.

When editing the menu in customizer the changes failed to save with the error message: Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try again. And when inspecting the page the following error appears: POST 403 (Forbidden) The 403 error is caused by something blocking access to the file such as … Read full article →

Fatal error Uncaught Error Call to undefined function wp check php mysql versions - Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_check_php_mysql_versions()

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_check_php_mysql_versions()

WordPress website was broken and inside the error_log file the following error was repeatedly printed: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_check_php_mysql_versions() This fatal error indicates that WordPress was unable to check server configuration: PHP and MySQL versions. In 99% of the time, the error is caused by missing or modified WP core … Read full article →

PHP Fatal Error Uncaught Error Call to undefined function exec - WP-CLI Not Working: Call to undefined function exec()

WP-CLI Not Working: Call to undefined function exec()

For some operations such as database export, WP-CLI uses PHP exec() function which is disabled on most shared hosting servers. So if you do wp db export and no file was created, make sure to check your error_log file and if you notice this error: PHP Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function exec() … Read full article →

Missed schedule error wordpress - WordPress Missed Schedule Error

WordPress Missed Schedule Error

WordPress Missed Schedule error means that the Scheduled post was not published for some reason: There are a few possible reasons for the WordPress Missed Schedule Error: 12.12.2022 UPDATE: There is a bug in WordPress 6.1 that causes this error WordPress Timezone Settings WordPress Timezone Settings are located under Settings → General From there, make … Read full article →

Missing a temporary folder - Hot to fix error: Missing a temporary folder. ✔️

Hot to fix error: Missing a temporary folder. ✔️

Missing a temporary folder. WordPress error can be caused for multiple reasons: How to fix this error: 1. Enable required extensions Check if required extensions are enabled in Tools > Site Health: If they are not, enable them from cPanel > PHP Selector 2. Check wp-config.php for WP_TEMP_DIR Check if a custom path for file … Read full article →