Display the total number of posts in WordPress - Display the Total 🔢 Number of Posts in WordPress

Display the Total 🔢 Number of Posts in WordPress

Step 1. Add the following inside your theme functions.php file or create a new Child theme first and add the code to it: Step 2. Add the shortcode [total_posts] anywhere on the website where you want to display the total number of posts: And it will display the number. 🙂

1 - 💡 How to use wp_delete_post to delete Posts or Pages

💡 How to use wp_delete_post to delete Posts or Pages

wp_delete_post function allows us to permanently delete posts, pages, attachments. When a post is deleted, all the associated content will also be deleted, this includes the comments, custom fields, and category entries. Instructions Parameter PARAMETER TYPE DESCRIPTION DEFAULT REQUIRED $postid intiger article ID 0 no $force_delete boolean skip recycle bin and delete permanently false no … Read full article →

5 Plugins to easily copy posts or pages in WordPress - 5 Plugins to 📋 copy Posts or Pages in WordPress

5 Plugins to 📋 copy Posts or Pages in WordPress

The ability to copy/clone a post or a page in WordPress is a function that we would like to see added in future versions of WordPress CMS. Until then, we’ll have to rely on plugins. 🙂 Here are 5 of the most popular plugins for easily cloning and copying articles. Yoast Duplicate Post With over … Read full article →

wordpress post vs page - What to use: WordPress Post vs. Page - 📝🆚📄

What to use: WordPress Post vs. Page – 📝🆚📄

Posts are articles listed in reverse chronological order that are easy to read, share or comment on. While Pages primarily include static information about your organization, products or services, etc., they don’t usually have comment areas and share links. Posts can be more easily organized and used to interact with your audience, whereas pages are mostly … Read full article →