after - How to add text after price in WooCommerce

How to add text after price in WooCommerce

To put a string after the price of WooCommerce product and cart pages, use the WooCommerce filters woocommerce_cart_item_price and woocommerce_get_price_html Add the following code to your active theme functions.php file. Make sure to change <span class=”price-suffix”>TEXT AFTER THE PRICE</span> with your text or HTML code. NEXT: How to Add text before the price in WooCommerce

before - How to add text before price in WooCommerce

How to add text before price in WooCommerce

To put a string before the price of WooCommerce product and cart pages, use the WooCommerce filters woocommerce_cart_item_price and woocommerce_get_price_html Add the following code to your active theme functions.php file. Make sure to change <span class=”price-prefix”>TEXT BEFORE THE PRICE</span> with your text or HTML code. NEXT: How to Add text after the price in WooCommerce