wp package install - Install a WP-CLI Package

Install a WP-CLI Package

Packages can be installed to add functionality to WP-CLI, for example wp-cli/wp-super-cache-cli package will add functions for managing WP Super Cache plugin from the terminal. Here is a list of My favourite packages from the wp-cli/package-index: billerickson/wp-cli-plugin-install-missing install any plugins that are “active” but not installed binarygary/db-checkpoint create quick db snapshots for development purposes jaywood/jw-wpcli-random-posts … Read full article →

Delete inactive Plugins and Themes using WPCLI - Delete inactive WordPress Plugins and Themes using WPCLI

Delete inactive WordPress Plugins and Themes using WPCLI

Deleting all inactive WordPress themes and plugins from your website is a recommended security practice. Even when deactivated, old, insecure plugins and themes might still pose a threat to the security of your WordPress website. Here are oneliners to remove inactive themes and plugins from your WordPress website using WP-CLI. List all inactive WordPress themes: Delete … Read full article →

create wpcli aliases - Create WP-CLI Aliases

Create WP-CLI Aliases

IF you use the same commands often you can save them as aliases so that you have them always available. For example, the following commands will check if WP core, installed plugins and themes have updates available: You can combine the commands into a one-liner: and you can create an alias for this command: so … Read full article →

wpcli shortcodes - List all shortcodes from all WordPress posts with WPCLI

List all shortcodes from all WordPress posts with WPCLI

If you used shortcodes from a certain plugin or a theme and then stop using either one, then chances are that you still have shortcodes that no longer translate into anything. In this guide We will be using WP CLI Shortcode scrapper package to find all shortcodes in the database. This command works by searching … Read full article →