wp package install - Install a WP-CLI Package

Install a WP-CLI Package

Packages can be installed to add functionality to WP-CLI, for example wp-cli/wp-super-cache-cli package will add functions for managing WP Super Cache plugin from the terminal. Here is a list of My favourite packages from the wp-cli/package-index: billerickson/wp-cli-plugin-install-missing install any plugins that are “active” but not installed binarygary/db-checkpoint create quick db snapshots for development purposes jaywood/jw-wpcli-random-posts … Read full article →

wpcli autocomplete - Setup tab completions for WP-CLI

Setup tab completions for WP-CLI

Tab completion is a useful time-saving feature of command line interfaces. To enable tab completion for WP-CLI We need to edit the ~/.bash_profile file. Step 1. In your home directory download WP-CLI tab completion file Step 2. Edit your ~/.bash_profile and add the following line: source ~/wp-completion.bash Save and exit. Step 3. Source the profile … Read full article →

wpcli custom php version - Download WP-CLI & set custom PHP Version

Download WP-CLI & set custom PHP Version

Recently I was migrating a website from GoDaddy shared hosting using WP-CLI and noticed the PHP version in cli was outdated. Here is how to install WP-CLI and set custom PHP version for the cli. Setup WP-CLI To download WP cli: To run it use php wp-cli.phar To make it easier to call We’ll rename … Read full article →

Install WP CLI in cPanel with CageFS - Install WP-CLI in cPanel with CageFS

Install WP-CLI in cPanel with CageFS

In this guide, I talked about adding WP-CLI to your system, but if you use cPanel with CloudLinux, you also need to include it in CageFS so that all users can access the wp command. First, download the WP-CLI command inside /usr/local/bin Add WP-CLI path to CageFS: and inside add: save the file, then update … Read full article →