Recently I was migrating a website from GoDaddy shared hosting using WP-CLI and noticed the PHP version in cli was outdated.
Here is how to install WP-CLI and set custom PHP version for the cli.
Setup WP-CLI
To download WP cli:
curl -O
To run it use php wp-cli.phar
php wp-cli.phar --info
To make it easier to call We’ll rename it to wp:
sudo mv wp-cli.phar wp
and make it executable:
chmod +x wp
To add WP-CLI to path run:
export PATH=</path/to/wp-cli/directory>:$PATH
and afterwards you can use the wp command inside any directory
wp --info
Check PHP version for terminal
From the terminal run
php -version
Or, create an info.php page with phpinfo();
and under Configure Command options look for bindir
Set PHP version for the cli
Set the WP_CLI_PHP environment variable to the desired PHP version:
export WP_CLI_PHP=/opt/php81/bin
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