WooCommerce Change the Serbian Dinar currency symbol from рсд. to RSD. - 🛍️ WooCommerce: Change the Serbian Dinar currency symbol from рсд. to RSD.

🛍️ WooCommerce: Change the Serbian Dinar currency symbol from рсд. to RSD.

For years WooCommerce was showing the Serbian currency as дин. but this was recently changed to рсд. and now Serbian currency is available in WooCommerce only in Cyrillic script (РСД). You’ll see more details here. But because the Serbian language can be written both in Cyrillic as well as in Latin script, and almost 100%, of … Read full article →

Display all Active WordPress plugins - Display all Active WordPress plugins

Display all Active WordPress plugins

Here is a simple WordPress plugin that will create a [activeplugin] shortcode: Add it as plugin and activate, then add shortcode [activeplugins] anywhere on your website and it will display all active plugins:

how to hide a plugin from wordpress plugins page - How to hide a plugin from the WordPress plugins list 🙈

How to hide a plugin from the WordPress plugins list 🙈

wp-admin/plugins.php displays the plugins list table using the array $plugins_all which contains information on all installed plugins. We can use pre_current_active_plugins hook to perform actions before the plugin information is displayed on this page. TIP: The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code. … Read full article →

2 - Use mysql2date  to convert date string obtained from the database into a readable date

Use mysql2date to convert date string obtained from the database into a readable date

Instruction: Parameter PARAMETER TYPE DESCRIPTION DEFAULT REQUIRED $format string Output can be PHP date format or Unix timestamp. no yes $date string mysql2date() only recognizes “Ymd H:i:s” format, so the original timestamp string needs to be converted to this format. no yes $translate boolean If true, the specified date and format string will be passed … Read full article →