Automatically add featured image Alt Text from post title
The following code snippet will automatically generate Alt Text for all featured images from the Post Title. If you are looking for more settings, check the SEO Friendly Images plugin.
The following code snippet will automatically generate Alt Text for all featured images from the Post Title. If you are looking for more settings, check the SEO Friendly Images plugin.
The ‘Remember Me’ option is a checkbox on the WordPress login screen that lets your users save their username and password. If checked, WordPress will remember the login session for 14 days. If you want to disable the Remember Me option in WordPress, here is how to do it: 1. Hide the option using CSS … Read full article →
WordPress uses the wp_commentmeta and wp_comments tables to store comments and their data. To delete all comments in WordPress simply empty those tables in the database: To delete all spam comments use: To delete all unapproved comments use: NOTE: In the above commands change wp_ prefix with the table prefix that you are using *(view … Read full article →
Are you looking for the best WooCommerce product image zoom plugin? Are you considering adding zoom options to your e-commerce products? Here are some of the best WooCommerce product image zoom plugins available on the market. Why you should use product image zoom plugin for your WooCommerce store? YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom The YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image … Read full article →
Here is a simple WordPress plugin that will create a [activeplugin] shortcode: Add it as plugin and activate, then add shortcode [activeplugins] anywhere on your website and it will display all active plugins:
Instruction: Parameter PARAMETER TYPE DESCRIPTION DEFAULT REQUIRED $format string Output can be PHP date format or Unix timestamp. no yes $date string mysql2date() only recognizes “Ymd H:i:s” format, so the original timestamp string needs to be converted to this format. no yes $translate boolean If true, the specified date and format string will be passed … Read full article →
In this article I will cover 5 different methods on how to open all links in new tab on WordPress website. To force opening all links in a new tab there are couple of solutions: 1. WordPress plugin Open Links In New Tab is a WP plugin that opens internal and external links in a … Read full article →
To put a string before the price of WooCommerce product and cart pages, use the WooCommerce filters woocommerce_cart_item_price and woocommerce_get_price_html Add the following code to your active theme functions.php file. Make sure to change <span class=”price-prefix”>TEXT BEFORE THE PRICE</span> with your text or HTML code. NEXT: How to Add text after the price in WooCommerce
Add the following to your theme functions.php file: Source: WordPress搜索功能结果只有一个时直接跳转到结果文章页面
On his blog Konstantin Shestopalov recently shared How to disable Cyrillic or Latin characters at checkout in Woocommerce with the following example to disable Latin characters on the checkout page: While the code does not actually disable Cyrillic characters, it simply checks if the letters are in Latin, and if not, prints an error message … Read full article →