WooCommerce » Use WP REST API to display WooCommerce Products from another website

Use WP REST API to display WooCommerce Products from another website

To use WP REST API from another website to display WooCommerce products, we first need to generate new API keys under WooCommerce > Advanced > REST API

image 1024x690 - Use WP REST API to display WooCommerce Products from another website
WooCommerce > Advanced > REST API

We can then use these keys along with the website URL to display the data:

    $website_url = "https://plugins.club";
    $consumer_key = "ck_1d6dc27f0779843171ce64f1900e95f9f9c4883d";
    $consumer_secret = "cs_5280be8ab604d200084980afbcb2ae9e97e050b1";

    $product_request_url = $website_url . '/wp-json/wc/v3/products';

    $product_args = array(
        'headers' => array(
            'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( $consumer_key . ':' . $consumer_secret ),

    $product_response = wp_remote_get( $product_request_url, $product_args );
    $product_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $product_response );
    echo $product_body;

💡 Make sure to replace website_url, consumer_key and consumer_secret with your data.

By default, WP REST API retrieves 10 products, but we can increase it up to 100 by adding ?per_page=100 to the url.

    $product_request_url = $website_url . '/wp-json/wc/v3/products?per_page=100';

The data is output as json:

image 1 1024x462 - Use WP REST API to display WooCommerce Products from another website

In case there are problems with the api, let’s add a check that will display the error:

      $product_response = wp_remote_get( $product_request_url, $product_args );
    if ( is_wp_error( $product_response ) ) {
        $error_message = $product_response->get_error_message();
        echo "Something went wrong: $error_message";
    } else {
        $product_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $product_response );
        echo $product_body ;

For example, if api keys are incorrect or missing, we will get an error:

image 2 1024x31 - Use WP REST API to display WooCommerce Products from another website

moving on, let’s decode the JSON and put it in array $product_list:

} else {
        $product_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $product_response );
        $product_list = json_decode( $product_body );

so that we can display only what we want, and style it as a table:

} else {
        $product_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $product_response );
        $product_list = json_decode( $product_body );

        $table = '<table><thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Image</th><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Slug</th><th>SKU</th><th>Price</th><th>Sale Price</th><th>Variations</th><th>Stock</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Category</th><th>Tags</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
foreach ( $product_list as $product ) {
    $id = $product->id;
    $image = $product->images[0]->src;
    $name = $product->name;
    $type = $product->type;
    $slug = $product->slug;
    $sku = $product->sku;
    $price = $product->price;
    $sale_price = $product->sale_price;
    $variations = count($product->variations);
    $stock = $product->stock_quantity;
    $quantity = $product->quantity;
    $category = $product->categories[0]->name;
    $tags = implode(", ", array_map(function($tag) { return $tag->name; }, $product->tags));
    $table .= "<tr><td>$id</td><td><img src='$image' alt='$name' style='max-width: 50px; max-height: 50px;'></td><td>$name</td><td>$type</td><td>$slug</td><td>$sku</td><td>$price</td><td>$sale_price</td><td>$variations</td><td>$stock</td><td>$quantity</td><td>$category</td><td>$tags</td></tr>";
$table .= '</tbody></table>';

echo $table;



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Use WP REST API to display WooCommerce Products from another website

Final code:

$website_url = "https://plugins.club";
$consumer_key = "ck_1d6dc27f0779843171ce64f1900e95f9f9c4883d";
$consumer_secret = "cs_5280be8ab604d200084980afbcb2ae9e97e050b1";

$product_request_url = $website_url . "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?per_page=100";

$product_args = [
    "headers" => [
        "Authorization" =>
            "Basic " . base64_encode($consumer_key . ":" . $consumer_secret),

$product_response = wp_remote_get($product_request_url, $product_args);
if (is_wp_error($product_response)) {
    $error_message = $product_response->get_error_message();
    echo "Something went wrong: $error_message";
} else {
    $product_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($product_response);
    $product_list = json_decode($product_body);

    $table =
        "<table><thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Image</th><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Slug</th><th>SKU</th><th>Price</th><th>Sale Price</th><th>Variations</th><th>Stock</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Category</th><th>Tags</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
    foreach ($product_list as $product) {
        $id = $product->id;
        $image = $product->images[0]->src;
        $name = $product->name;
        $type = $product->type;
        $slug = $product->slug;
        $sku = $product->sku;
        $price = $product->price;
        $sale_price = $product->sale_price;
        $variations = count($product->variations);
        $stock = $product->stock_quantity;
        $quantity = $product->quantity;
        $category = $product->categories[0]->name;
        $tags = implode(
            ", ",
            array_map(function ($tag) {
                return $tag->name;
            }, $product->tags)
        $table .= "<tr><td>$id</td><td><img src='$image' alt='$name' style='max-width: 50px; max-height: 50px;'></td><td>$name</td><td>$type</td><td>$slug</td><td>$sku</td><td>$price</td><td>$sale_price</td><td>$variations</td><td>$stock</td><td>$quantity</td><td>$category</td><td>$tags</td></tr>";
    $table .= "</tbody></table>";

    echo $table;

We can now further modify the data to style it better, or even use it to create affiliate WooCommerce products on our own store using product data from this other store.

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