create a new wp admin users - 5 Easy ways to Create a WordPress Admin user

5 Easy ways to Create a WordPress Admin user

Here are five different methods to create a new WordPress Admin user. In all of the examples below I will use the following username/password combination, so make sure to change it before running any of the commands: username123 change username123 with your username password123 change password123 with your password [email protected] change [email protected] with your email … Read full article →

Install WP CLI in cPanel with CageFS - Install WP-CLI in cPanel with CageFS

Install WP-CLI in cPanel with CageFS

In this guide, I talked about adding WP-CLI to your system, but if you use cPanel with CloudLinux, you also need to include it in CageFS so that all users can access the wp command. First, download the WP-CLI command inside /usr/local/bin Add WP-CLI path to CageFS: and inside add: save the file, then update … Read full article →

wpcli w3tc - Purge cache from W3 Total Cache plugin using WP-CLI

Purge cache from W3 Total Cache plugin using WP-CLI

Here are some useful commands to clear cache from the terminal with wpcli: cdn_purge purge URLs from CDN and Varnish flush all flushes all cache related to W3TC (Page Cache, OC, DB Cache, Minify, etc.) flush page flushes pages cache only flush posts flushes both pages & posts cache flush database flushes DB cache flush … Read full article →

wp package install - Install a WP-CLI Package

Install a WP-CLI Package

Packages can be installed to add functionality to WP-CLI, for example wp-cli/wp-super-cache-cli package will add functions for managing WP Super Cache plugin from the terminal. Here is a list of My favourite packages from the wp-cli/package-index: billerickson/wp-cli-plugin-install-missing install any plugins that are “active” but not installed binarygary/db-checkpoint create quick db snapshots for development purposes jaywood/jw-wpcli-random-posts … Read full article →

Bulk Delete Millions of WooCommerce Products using WP CLI - 🗑️ Bulk Delete WooCommerce Products with WP CLI

🗑️ Bulk Delete WooCommerce Products with WP CLI

Here are a few useful one-liners that you can use to quickly remove all WooCommerce products from your store. Another approach: PRO TIP:If you are considering deleting items in WooCommerce, please be aware that this action cannot be undone. Once you have deleted an item, it will be permanently gone from your store. Before taking … Read full article →

wpcli autocomplete - Setup tab completions for WP-CLI

Setup tab completions for WP-CLI

Tab completion is a useful time-saving feature of command line interfaces. To enable tab completion for WP-CLI We need to edit the ~/.bash_profile file. Step 1. In your home directory download WP-CLI tab completion file Step 2. Edit your ~/.bash_profile and add the following line: source ~/wp-completion.bash Save and exit. Step 3. Source the profile … Read full article →

create wpcli aliases - Create WP-CLI Aliases

Create WP-CLI Aliases

IF you use the same commands often you can save them as aliases so that you have them always available. For example, the following commands will check if WP core, installed plugins and themes have updates available: You can combine the commands into a one-liner: and you can create an alias for this command: so … Read full article →

Delete unused images in WordPress using WP CLI - Delete unused images in WordPress using WP CLI

Delete unused images in WordPress using WP CLI

This small script uses a for loop to delete one post ID at a time, it will go through the database and list all media files uploaded in the provided data range that are not used inside posts. Change the date range according to your needs.

wp gatsby netlify - WordPress to Gatsby on netlify ☄️

WordPress to Gatsby on netlify ☄️

When migrating from WordPress CMS to another CMS there are a couple of ways to easily export all your posts and media files: In this guide we will be using the WPGraphQL plugin and Netlify to deploy a Gatsby website. Step 1. Fork the gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-wordpress-blog repo on Github Step 2. Edit the gatsby-config.js file and … Read full article →

wpcli regex search - Use Regex with WP CLI to 🔎 Search & Replace in Database

Use Regex with WP CLI to 🔎 Search & Replace in Database

When cleaning websites that have large databases, regular text editors can’t even open the database dumps (Notepad++ supports files up to 2GB in size). So to run a search and replace on large database dumps I suggest using regex-replace line-by-line in PHP, or setting up WPCLI and running regex search & replace. Here is a … Read full article →