WordPress error Minified Redux error #7

⚠️ WordPress error: Minified Redux error #7

After upgrading WP to 6.0 the Edit post page is blank with the following errors in Chrome dev tools: I’ve disabled all plugins and reverted to the default 2022 theme, but the problem continues. After examining the files in question, I discovered that they were being utilized by the Gutenberg editor, so I temporarily disabled … Read full article →

wpcli shortcodes - List all shortcodes from all WordPress posts with WPCLI

List all shortcodes from all WordPress posts with WPCLI

If you used shortcodes from a certain plugin or a theme and then stop using either one, then chances are that you still have shortcodes that no longer translate into anything. In this guide We will be using WP CLI Shortcode scrapper package to find all shortcodes in the database. This command works by searching … Read full article →

wpcli password reset - Reset WordPress user password using WP-CLI

Reset WordPress user password using WP-CLI

In this guide We’ll cover how to reset a WordPress user password using WP-CLI. Step 1. Ensure WP-CLI is installed and you are in the website directory run the following command to check if you are in the right folder: Step 2. List all users and note user_login for the user Step 3. Replace the … Read full article →

how to change a doamin name wordpress - How to change domain name for a WordPress website  (5 ways)

How to change domain name for a WordPress website (5 ways)

Want to change the domain name for your WordPress website? No problem, in this guide We’ll walk you through 5 different methods to change the domain name for a WordPress website from cPanel PHPMyAdmin. Before following this guide make sure you’ve down the following: registered the desired domain name and pointed it towards your hosting … Read full article →

bekapi - How to Set Automatic WordPress Backups using Updraft Plugin

How to Set Automatic WordPress Backups using Updraft Plugin

Here is how to backup WordPress using the Updraft WordPress backup plugin. Step 1. Install and Activate Updraft Go to Plugins > Add New and in the search bar in top right, type “updraft”. From the search results click on the Install Now button and then activate it. Step 2. Open plugin settings After installing … Read full article →

How to Reset WordPress Password from phpMyAdmin Database - How to Reset WordPress Password from phpMyAdmin Database

How to Reset WordPress Password from phpMyAdmin Database

Locked out of your wp-admin area? Forgot the password? No problem, the easiest way to regain access is to reset your admin password from your database via phpMyAdmin. Step 1. Open PHPMyAdmin The first step is to log into your cPanel and under Databases select phpMyAdmin. Step 2. Select your database name From the left … Read full article →

cant edit plugins - Can’t Add or Install Plugins in WordPress

Can’t Add or Install Plugins in WordPress

Q: Why can’t I add plugins in WordPress? A: The following code was added to wp-config.php file that disables file editing and uploading. Simply remove these files from the wp-config.php file and then refresh the wp-admin page.