after - How to add text after price in WooCommerce

How to add text after price in WooCommerce

To put a string after the price of WooCommerce product and cart pages, use the WooCommerce filters woocommerce_cart_item_price and woocommerce_get_price_html Add the following code to your active theme functions.php file. Make sure to change <span class=”price-suffix”>TEXT AFTER THE PRICE</span> with your text or HTML code. NEXT: How to Add text before the price in WooCommerce

How to exclude wp admin from Cloudflare - How to exclude wp-admin from ☁️ Cloudflare

How to exclude wp-admin from ☁️ Cloudflare

First and first, I must stress that this is a bad idea and that I do not recommend it. Why? Because you’ll remove all of Cloudflare’s protection for the wp-admin dashboard. Cloudflare waits 100 seconds for an HTTP response. If the origin doesn’t respond in that time, Cloudflare closes the connection and you’ll see “Error … Read full article →

create a new wp admin users - 5 Easy ways to Create a WordPress Admin user

5 Easy ways to Create a WordPress Admin user

Here are five different methods to create a new WordPress Admin user. In all of the examples below I will use the following username/password combination, so make sure to change it before running any of the commands: username123 change username123 with your username password123 change password123 with your password [email protected] change [email protected] with your email … Read full article →

how to hide a plugin from wordpress plugins page - How to hide a plugin from the WordPress plugins list 🙈

How to hide a plugin from the WordPress plugins list 🙈

wp-admin/plugins.php displays the plugins list table using the array $plugins_all which contains information on all installed plugins. We can use pre_current_active_plugins hook to perform actions before the plugin information is displayed on this page. TIP: The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code. … Read full article →

WordPress database error Table .dbwp options is marked as crashed and should be repaired - WordPress database error Table './db/wp_options' is marked as crashed and should be repaired [✔️ SOLVED]

WordPress database error Table ‘./db/wp_options’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired [✔️ SOLVED]

Here are 4 different methods to fix the scary-looking error: “WordPress database error Table ‘./db/wp_options’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired”. NOTE: It is critically important that you backup your database before performing any of the following suggestions. You’re fully responsible for undertaking this yourself, I can’t be held responsible if you break … Read full article →

How to Identify if My WordPress Website is Hacked - How to Identify if My WordPress Website is Hacked?

How to Identify if My WordPress Website is Hacked?

This is one of the most-asked questions that I get emailed from people that read some posts from my Types of WordPress Malware Attacks and What They Do series. 99% of the time website owners are the last ones to find out that their WordPress websites are hacked, after visitors, Google, website scanners, and their … Read full article →

How to remove meta generator tag from WordPress - How to remove meta generator tag from WordPress

How to remove meta generator tag from WordPress

WordPress has an HTML meta generation tag that shows that your website is running WordPress and which version exactly. If you right-click on this page and choose View Source, you can find this tag by searching for “generator” in the source code. You should see something similar to: <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 6.0.3″ /> This code … Read full article →