WP-CLI » Install a WP-CLI Package

Install a WP-CLI Package

Packages can be installed to add functionality to WP-CLI, for example wp-cli/wp-super-cache-cli package will add functions for managing WP Super Cache plugin from the terminal.

Here is a list of My favourite packages from the wp-cli/package-index:

billerickson/wp-cli-plugin-install-missinginstall any plugins that are “active” but not installed
binarygary/db-checkpointcreate quick db snapshots for development purposes
jaywood/jw-wpcli-random-postsrandom post generator of post types, post counts, taxonomies, terms, term counts and featured images
buddypress/wp-cli-buddypresscommunity package with many BuddyPress commands
c10b10/wp-cli-deploydeploys the local database or the uploads directory to a remote server using ssh
ivankruchkoff/wp-hammerremove personally identifiable information and extra content for dev/test/stage purposes

Before installing or running any packages, make sure to back up your wp-config.php file and run wp db export.

To install a package run:

wp package install PACKAGE-NAME
image 42 - Install a WP-CLI Package
See also  Reset WordPress password from the command line

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